Home Marquee Wedding Style in Wiltshire
Natasha & Roslan

Home Marquee Wedding Style in Wiltshire

Natasha and Roslan's mid-August wedding in the serene Wiltshire countryside, just a short drive from Bath, was a day filled with the warmth of the British sun and the vibrant energy brought all the way from Singapore, where the couple resides. The setting was Natasha's parents' picturesque old stone house in Ashley, surrounded by expansive fields that cradled the reception marquee—a stunning backdrop for a celebration that promised to be anything but ordinary.

Upon my arrival, the air was ripe with anticipation, mingled with the scent of freshly cut grass and the distant floral fragrances from the garden. Natasha's father and brother, armed with a wheelbarrow, were a sight of diligent preparation. The charming signs pointing towards various international destinations not only nodded to the couple's love for travel but also whispered stories of the diverse origins of their guests, inviting a sensory journey even before the festivities began.

Inside, the loft of the house was a flurry of activity where Natasha was preparing with her mother and bridesmaids. While some rehearsed their speeches, others were immersed in getting their makeup done. I made my way to Bath to catch up with Roslan, who was getting ready with his best mates. There was no makeup in sight for this group, but the air was charged with good vibes and laughter. It was immediately clear to me that this was going to be an exceptionally fun wedding to capture.

Returning to Natasha, she slipped into her stunning Charlie Brear wedding gown, with her mother attentively adjusting the bow at the back. Meanwhile, the arrival of guests and the groom, who came by bus, filled the air with a buzz of excitement. The ceremony was set to unfold on the house's elevated stone patio, an intimate stage above the assembled guests.

A beautifully flower-adorned stone arch, courtesy of Wren and May Flowers, marked the entrance to this space, where Roslan stood in wait. A procession of bridesmaids and groomsmen, arm in arm, paved the way for Natasha and her father's grand entrance. Natasha’s brother had the honour of officiating the ceremony—a personal touch I found particularly special. Among my favourite moments to capture was through that archway, as Natasha and Roslan exchanged rings, encapsulated by the old stone that framed their exchange of vows so perfectly.

In a nod to Roslan's cultural traditions, the couple participated in the playful act of breaking bread over their heads, a ritual presided over by Roslan's parents. Legend has it that the one who ends up with the larger piece will lead in the relationship. Amidst laughter and a shower of crumbs (my bet's on Natasha snagging the larger piece), they playfully disputed who claimed the bigger fragment.

Then came the vibrant sounds of a Zaffa band, marking my first encounter with such a celebration, and quite frankly, I'm eager for it not to be my last. The drums set the wedding alight, drawing everyone out onto the lawn for lively dancing, which seamlessly transitioned into a spirited march toward the marquee for even more revelry.

As the energy simmered down and jackets were shed, guests settled in for a meal interspersed with speeches. This relaxed alternation between dining and speaking, punctuated by strolls to admire the breathtaking Wiltshire scenery, lent a dynamic and engaging rhythm to the evening.

Some of my favourite shots of the day came from taking Natasha & Roslan aside for photographs after the speeches. The scene was set perfectly with tall grass and the marquee, enhanced by the soft glow of the sun, creating stunning images of the couple together.

As dusk turned to a deep blue, the marquee came alive, its lights beckoning for the night's festivities to commence. The Velvet Notes took the stage, their music igniting a spirited dance-off that underscored the day's playful spirit. In the friendly competition that ensued, the women claimed victory, but it was clear that everyone was basking in the joy of the moment.

I absolutely loved documenting Natasha & Roslan's Wiltshire marquee home wedding! I do hope you enjoy it. If you do, then you might enjoy Katie & Charlie’s Chateau wedding in France or Hannah & Steven’s Lake District wedding.


Florist: Wren and May Flowers

Hair Stylist: Melanie Weekley

Band: The Velvet Notes  / the main band, Zaffa Performers (via Scarlett Entertainment & Management Ltd)

Bride's Dress: Charlie Brear

MUA : Christy Waterfall  

Groom's Suit: Ron & Rich  

"I would hands down recommend Richard to anyone looking for the best photographer out there. He was incredible from day one"
Natasha & Roslan
black and white photograph of bride and groom being showered with confetti