Chiswick House Wedding Brings English Summer to Life
Talia & Jamie

Chiswick House Wedding Brings English Summer to Life

Tucked away in the leafy enclaves of Richmond, London, Talia and Jamie's late August wedding was a celebration that perfectly captured the essence of an English summer's day. With not a cloud in sight, the day promised nothing short of perfection, a promise it delightfully kept.

Arriving at Talia's parents home in Richmond, the day began with scenes straight out of a bridal magazine. Greeted by the family's enthusiastic dog called Bsil, I was ushered into a scene of joyous preparations. Talia, alongside her parents, sister, and bridesmaids, all clad in matching pyjamas, was a vision of relaxed elegance. The morning air was filled with laughter and the pop of champagne corks, setting the tone for the day ahead. 

A short stroll from the house, St Mary Magdalene Church stood ready to play its part in their story. The church, bathed in light and adorned with stunning arrangements by Lavender Green, provided an idyllic setting for the ceremony. As guests gathered, the atmosphere was electric, with groomsmen busily ensuring everything was in place. The arrival of Talia and her entourage on a classic red London bus, complete with their dapperly dressed dog, was a quintessentially British touch that added to the day's charm.

The ceremony itself was a heartfelt affair. As Talia, escorted by her father, made her way down the aisle, Jamie's beaming smile spoke volumes. The church, with its expansive space and luminous interior, was a witness to their vows, their promises illuminated by the soft church light.

Following the vows, the newlyweds made their way through a shower of confetti. . Instead of rushing off, the couple chose to savour the moment, sharing tea and cakes with their guests in the church.

The journey to the reception was an experience in itself, with guests transported across Richmond to Chiswick House in the iconic red bus. The gardens of Chiswick House, with their timeless elegance, offered a splendid setting for the afternoon's festivities. Talia and Jamie, now in the full glow of their newlywed status, took a moment for themselves, exploring the gardens in a buggy, pausing for portraits. Talia in her exquisite Eva Lendel dress and Jamie in his sharp Savile Row suit, both epitomising the grace of their surroundings.

As daylight gave way to dusk, the festivity found its new home within the permanent marquee on the lawn of the venue. The tables, adorned in vibrant yellow, infused the setting with a lively burst of colour, echoing the warmth of the reception as the couple was greeted with enthusiastic cheers. Speeches evoked laughter and a few tender moments, punctuated by gentle tears being dabbed away.

The ambiance was electrified as 'Truly Madly Deeply' took to the stage, their dynamic medleys igniting the dance floor with fervent energy. Amidst the revelry, a standout image of Talia and Jamie lifted on the shoulders of their guests, hands joyously thrown in the air, encapsulated the essence of the day's spirit.

I do hope you enjoy browsing through Talia & Jamie’s wedding photographs, if you love this one then please take a look at Arsha & Jesse’s stunning wedding in Wales of Natasha & Roslan’s marquee wedding in Wiltshire.


Venue : Chiswick House & Gardens

Church : St Mary Magdalene Church, Richmond

Dress : Eva Lendel

Shoes : Manolo Blahnik

Florist :  Lavender Green Flowers 

MUA & Hair Stylist : Bex Hair & Makeup 

Suit : Savile Row Co 

Caterer : Create Food 

Bands : TMD Band

"Richard was an excellent choice for our photographer - he got the balance perfectly of documenting every single part of the day while not being too in-your-face at any point. His calm, relaxed approach was set the tone for the day and he got the best out of us. Would 100% recommend him for anyone looking for wedding photos that they will love!"
Talia & Jamie
black and white photograph of bride and groom being showered with confetti